Relate by Zendesk
Relate by Zendesk.
Relate helps you examine, ponder, and hopefully improve the interactions you have with other people whether they’re customers or coworkers, friends or frenemies.
Design an experience to bridge online and offline relationships. A place to learn and educate people about business relationships to personal relationships.
Web Experience
User Experience, Visual Design, Art Direction
Relate is a content hub for various view points on business and personal relationships. It focuses on educating and enlightening readers about how we can be more human. The challenge with most content website is the discoverability of what you care for the most. The design is modular so that we are able to A/B test what is working and optimize for that. The layout features the new articles and what the business is promoting, below the fold are the features that are secondary in importance and relevance. Designed the next module as a way to surface what people are mostly interested in, gives the balance of fresh/new vs. what the audience are gravitating towards to. Lastly, for more broad strokes you can navigate around general topics .
Introduction Video
Visual Design, Art Direction
This is the first ever conference for Relate, we wanted to make an impression and really introduce the brand and get people excited for the conference. The idea of "Relationships Are Complicated" was how Relate was born out of. The way we wanted to show that creatively without being too cheesy about various relationships was through hands. We interact and express ourselves with hands, so throughout the video we explore different interactions/scenarios of different relationships—the good, the bad, and the funny.
Conference Experience + Design
The brand is still new and had the opportunity to explore how they manifest in the design materials for the conference. Using the X and O motif and use that across the design to really enforce the concept of "Relationships Are Complicated". Designed the experience of the conference on which talks go where, lighting, what happens during break time, happy hour, and what we show on screen, etc.